Tips for rescheduling and reactivating events
Trumba is a great way to publish and promote rescheduled/reactivated events with your site visitors. If your organization needs to reschedule or reactivate events in bulk, here are some tips and resources that can help.
Reactivate events
Reschedule events
Limit attendees
Note For more information about either tip, see: Set up event registration.
- With Trumba event registration, you can set up a series of events, each with a set registration limit, to create day/time slots that site visitors can use to quickly and easily reserve their spots.
- To further limit the size of your events, you could switch from open sign up to invitation only events. With invitation only events, you specify a list of invitees, and only those invitees receive an email invitation to register.
For assistance, please contact Support.