Custom registration form content
When you host events that require registration, you might need to collect information from registrants that isn't included on the standard Trumba® event registration form.
To create a custom form, you can:
- You create questions for registration forms the same way you create custom fields for event templates. See Create custom event fields.
- If you want to gather information about registrants who add themselves to the wait list, see Manage the wait list.
Add custom questions to the form
After you create the registration questions, you can add them to a custom registration form. You can then associate the form with a registration event.
Note You use a similar process to add instructions and section headings to the form.
- In your Trumba editing environment, on the left, under Tasks, click Define Registration Forms.
- On the Define Registration Forms page, click Add registration question.
- On the Add Registration Question page, in the Question section:
- Type the Question name.
The question name serves as the label, for internal use only (it isn't visible to calendar visitors who are filling out the registration form).
Question names correspond to column headings that show up on the Attendees tab where you track and manage registration responses. (See the examples below.)
- Type the Question.
This is the label registrants see when filling out the registration form.
- (Optional) Type any Internal notes.
These are private notes regarding the question, for internal reference information only.
Here are some examples of how the question name, question, and internal notes are used.
On the Add Registration Question page, you enter a question name and a question:
The questions are what appear on the registration form that your calendar visitors answer:
The question names become column headings on the Attendees tab for the event in your Trumba editing environment:
Internal notes regarding the question are for private information only, and are not visible on the registration form:
- For the Question Type section:
Question Type section, Add Registration Question page
- Select the question field type.
Tip Registration question types are the same as custom field types (with the exception of Auto Complete, which is available only for custom fields). For more information, go to Field Types and Default Values.
- Enter a default value (optional).
- For Value required, if you aren't willing or able to register someone who doesn't answer this question, select Yes.
- For text strings, define the minimum or maximum number of characters. Or, for numbers, define the minimum or maximum value. (optional)
For example, if you're asking for an ID number with the format xx-yyyy, you might provide maximum and minimum character values of 7.
- Save user response Available only through Event Actions. Learn more.
Select Yes if you expect to reuse this question across forms, and you want the signed-in registrants' responses to be saved.
- Show on wait list Relevant only if you let registrants add themselves to a wait list when the event is full. Learn more.
To include this question on the form registrants fill out when adding themselves to the wait list, select Yes.
Tip You can't create questions designed specifically for the wait list form. Only questions you include in the full custom registration form also show on the wait list form.
Adding a question to the wait list form allows you to gather information about registrants in advance. This might be useful if you want to decide which wait list registrants to admit if space becomes available.
For example, a college that offers campus tours could include a language preference question on its custom registration form to help them assign an appropriate tour guide. After a tour guide is assigned, they might need that information from the wait list as well to help determine who to invite when space becomes available.
Language preference question, Wait list form
Like responses to questions on the full registration form, wait list question responses also appear in the registration list on the Attendees tab in the editing environment.
I'd like to know more about managing event registration responses.
- Show in attendee emails Select Yes to include the attendee's answer to this question in their registration confirmation email. Learn more (go to step 11).
- Show in organizer emails Select Yes to include the attendee's answer to this question in the registration notification email sent to the event organizer. Learn more (go to step 9).
- If you're creating a conditional question, in the Conditional Question Settings section, for Controlling question, select the question the current question depends upon.
For Required values, select the controlling question answers that trigger the current question to appear.
I don't understand this. What are conditional questions?
- For the Include in Forms section, select the registration form or forms to which this question should apply.
This control lets you organize and track your questions across multiple registration forms.
- In the Security section, select the owning calendar for the question.
Regardless of the owning calendar you select, the registration question you create becomes available from any calendar in your account. However, it's a good idea to give some thought to your owning calendar choice. For example, best practices include:
- Selecting the same owning calendar for a custom question and the custom form the question is used on. This prevents you from inadvertently deleting a question along with a calendar you delete.
- Giving the editors responsible for adding and updating a calendar's events access to the custom question by selecting an owning calendar that you share with those editors.
I'd like more information about creating custom registration forms and choosing owning calendars.
- Click OK, and on the Registration Forms page, do any of the following:
- To create a new question based on an existing one, open the existing question, and then click the Create Copy button.
- To quickly launch the Edit Registration Question page, click the hyperlinked question titles in registration forms:
Add instructions and section headings to the form
After you create the registration instructions, and section headings, you can add them to a custom registration form. You can then associate the form with a registration event.
Note You use a similar process to add questions to the form.
- In your Trumba editing environment, on the left, under Tasks, click Define Registration Forms.
- On the Define Registration Forms page, click Add registration question.
Note Following this task, the entry becomes an instruction or section heading, rather than a question.
- For Question type, select:
- Registration instruction if you're creating an instruction.
- Registration section heading if you're creating a section heading.
- On the Add Registration Question page, in the Item name field, type a name for the new entry.
This name identifies the instruction or section heading. It's for internal use only and won't be seen by the public.
- In the Instruction or Section name field, type the text that people registering for events will see on your custom registration form.
Note For instructions and section headings, there is no 254-character limit (such as there is for registration questions).
- In the Security section, select the owning calendar for the question.
The instruction or section heading that you create becomes available from any calendar in your account. However, if you want other calendar editors in your organization to have access to it, select a calendar that you share with them.
- Click OK, and on the Registration Forms page, do any of the following:
Save registrants' responses to questions that you reuse across registration forms
You can save signed-in registrants' responses to custom questions you create that you reuse across events.
Note For saved responses to work, a publisher account holder with administrative privileges must have set up visitor sign-in for your organization. Responses are saved only for registrants who sign in before they register.
I'd like more information about event registration sign-in.
I'd like more information about how visitor accounts work.
Saving responses means that registrants who regularly attend your events won't have to fill out the same question each time. However, they still have the option of updating their saved responses if they want.
Ok. Now I need the general instructions for creating custom questions and indicating that responses should be saved.
Create conditional questions
Conditional questions are questions whose appearance depends upon answers to previous questions.
For example, a college campus tour registration form might include the question Will you need a modified visit schedule?. If the answer is No, no other questions appear. If the answer is Yes, two questions appear that ask for a modified arrival time and modified departure time.
On this section of a registration form, answering No triggers nothing. Answering Yes triggers the display of two conditional questions.
Additional examples
Use conditionality to:
- Display questions in different languages.
- Offer registrant subgroups different options.
- Collect information about in-proxy registrants.
Setting up conditional questions
To set up conditional questions, it helps to think in terms of levels:
- You could set up a Level 1 question, for example: Will you need a modified visit schedule?, which is not conditional. It always appears on the registration form.
- Then you could set up additional Level 2 modified arrival and departure time questions, which are conditional. They appear only when Yes is the answer to the Level 1 question. That dependency makes these questions Level 2.
You define conditionality in the process of setting up the conditional, or dependent, questions.
Defining conditionality means:
- Identifying the Level 1 question on which the Level 2 question depends.
- Selecting the Level 1 question values (answers) that trigger the Level 2 question to appear.
The form on the right shows the setup for the conditional Modified arrival time question.
Tip Modified schedule is the label for the Level 1 Will you need a modified visit schedule? question.
The setup involves identifying the controlling (Level 1) question and its required answer(s) (in this case, a single answer, Yes).
- You can set up multiple levels of conditionality. For example, the answer to a Level 1 question can trigger a Level 2 question. The answer to the Level 2 question can trigger a Level 3 question.
- You can require conditional fields. The requirement doesn't apply until the fields are visible in the form.