To feature events, your first step is to create a featured events custom field.
Important If you've run the Trumba Startup Wizard, your default event template already contains a single-level Featured Event custom field, and featured events are already activated for your calendar. Step 7 in the section below, Create a featured events custom field describes how to create multiple levels of featured events (e.g. Basic, Enhanced, Premier).
Featured event fields serve two purposes:
Can I get started with just one level and switch to more levels later as needed?
Levels correspond to layouts. That is, events featured at one level can look different from events featured at another level. In the following image, for example, special events appear differently than holidays. For more information, go to Customize featured event layouts.
Tip You can create only one featured events custom field per account. This means that you can use only one set of featured event levels across all of the calendars an account contains. However, using custom field settings and overrides, you can still add new featured levels and stop using old levels at any time and use different sets of featured levels on different calendars.
Note The following steps apply only to accounts created after October 5, 2010. If your Trumba customer account was created before October 5, 2010, please see To create custom event fields (accounts created before 10/5/2010).
If you haven't yet defined your event template(s), it's probably best to do that before adding the featured events custom field.
Note If you want to show an image as part of the feature level formatting, make sure the event template you use also includes the Event Image custom field.
Or, to create multiple levels at once, click Add Multiple Values. Type the level names separated by commas, and then click Save Values.
Featured events custom field with three levels defined
NOTE It's very important to leave this option set to No. Each event must have only one featured level assigned. The No setting prevents editors from assigning multiple levels to any event.
Selecting Inline displays the levels as radio buttons.
If you want event submitters to assign featuring levels, leave Show this field on the event submission form selected.
If you see the Allow new featured levels to be submitted on the event submission form option, leave it unchecked.
Leave the Show this field on the registration report option unchecked.
This section assumes that a featured events custom field has already been created. The field includes a single featured events level called Yes. The steps demonstrate how to turn off the Yes level and begin using two new levels called Basic and Premier.
Tip Because featured levels you no longer want to use may still be assigned to some events, we recommend turning off rather than deleting these levels. As long as the old featured level is assigned to some events, when you're customizing featured level layouts, you still see the old level listed in the layouts list and as a tab on the calendar view Edit Settings page.
I haven't yet created a featured events custom field.
Tip If you don't see the template you're looking for, in the Publication drop-down list, select [all publications].
Your fields list will be different but your template will look something like this:
Tip Your form may look a little different from this image. If you haven't yet assigned the original featured level value to any events, Include selected values is selected and Yes has a check box beside it.
The new values show up in the Possible choices list.
Tip Existing events you originally featured using the old level still have that old level applied. You can switch to one of the new levels you added or just leave the old level in place. After you switch, the turned-off level disappears from the featured events list in the add/edit event form.
To use different sets of featured levels on different calendars, you set custom field overrides.
With an override, you tell a specific calendar to ignore (override) the default featured level settings and instead use settings you choose.
Tell me more about field overrides.
Tip If you don't see the template you're looking for, in the Publication drop-down list, select [all publications].
For Calendar, select the calendar on which you want to override the default featured level settings.
In this example, we're applying featured events custom field overrides to Calendar Two.
In this example, we left only the Premier featured level selected. That's the only level we want event creators to use when they feature events on Calendar Two.
Tip We're not turning off any featured level settings here. We're just selecting which levels we want a specific calendar to use.